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Upcoming Events

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Burlesque Buffet began by accident! Dee thought she was applying to be in a show, and it turns out the venue wanted a show produced. With some encouragement from her co-producer, collaborator, and life partner, Don Manuel Presents, Burlesque Buffet was born!

Burlesque Buffet is deeply dedicated to fostering a warm and welcoming environment that champions the principles of safety, enthusiastic consent, enjoyment, and inclusivity for all. We are steadfast in our commitment to ensuring a space where respect and tolerance are not just encouraged but are foundational to the experience of every performer, guest, and staff member. To this end, we take a strong stance against all forms of unsolicited behavior and discrimination. This includes, but is not limited to, sexism, racism, transphobia, body shaming, homophobia, slut shaming, and any other form of bigotry. Our goal is to create a space where everyone feels valued, safe, and free to express themselves without fear of judgment or harm.

Let’s Work Together

PO Box 4285

Ithaca, NY 14852

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